Here’s a lovely collection of photographs from the archives showing Brownies from across East Lancashire in the 1990s.

Lancashire Telegraph: For the third year running, Brownies from St Leonard’s Langho won the East Lancs rounders tournament in 1995 without losing a game

The uniformed organisations have always had a hold over young people in the area doing a great deal of good work and providing a regular meeting place for youngsters to gather and learn skills which will come in useful in later life.

Perhaps you were in the Brownies in the 1990s and may even be on one of the photographs. Or you might recognise someone who is.

It’s had to believe that the young girls smiling out of these photographs are now grown women, many likely to have children of their own.

If you have any photographs from when you were in the Brownies and involved in activities or charity work around East Lancashire we would love to share them with Looking Back readers.

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