THE export sales manager at Great Harwood-based precision moulding specialists Metflex has landed a UK first.

John Whittaker has become the first person to be awarded a distinction after completing the Export Sales Diploma run by the British Chambers of Commerce.

John has worked at Metflex for the past 16 years. The company makes components for the gas, automotive, aerospace and hi-fi iindustries.

The course was a practical one and recent deals completed by John in Iran, France and Germany made up part of the evidence for his portfolio.

"The course was developed to test and enhance export sales abilities," said John. "We were also put through our paces in a simulated environment at a week-long residential course which was a massive challenge.

Ed Murphy, international trade and training director at the East Lancashire Chamber of Commerce, described John as a first-class sales manager.

"To receive a distinction on a course like this is an outstanding achievement," he said. "The diploma was designed to recognise the skills and experience of export sales professionals, for whom there were previously no specific qualifications available."