IN response to Mr A Grady (Letters, June 12). I agree that we, as human beings, do not morally have the power to end another human's life. If a wrong has been done it will be justified on judgement day.

I understand that many people may think that I am too biased but, we are born into this world and our lives are mapped out for us. If we do a bad deed, then we will have to face up to it one day.

Executing someone, no matter what, gives the criminal an easy release but, the victim's family still have to live on with their memories and pain.

Although I do not believe in the death sentence, perhaps, if we kept these perpetrators alive, then, they could amend their souls and see what it is that they have done. One way or another, they will have to answer for what they have done -- but it's not up to us.

J E LINCOLN, Quebec Road, Blackburn.