HUNDREDS of carers assembled in Lowton last Wednesday for their annual celebration of commitment.

The event was opened by actor Will Travis, star of the Sunday TV drama, Where the Heart is. He was delighted to watch people with learning difficulties perform in the play, With Assistance, written by Wigan and Leigh College's head of drama, Julie McKiernan.

Guest speaker was Anne Parker, CBE, chairman of the Carers' National Association and of the newly formed National Care Standards Commission.

Some of the borough's 46,000 carers also heard Bill Fillingham, of Wigan's social services department, give an update on the carers' grant and take part in a question-and-answer session.

Carer Peter Parry said: "The day helps us keep in touch with one another and stops us feeling isolated.

"It helps you realise you are not alone," he added. FOCUSED: Carers listen intently to various speakers at their celebration of commitment