IF aging rock star Elkie Brooks thinks the streets 'up North' are violent then she needs to cast her mind back to the Brixton riots in the '80s.

If it's rough on the streets up here it's because we've been taught how to use our fists from the lot down south.

People like Elkie Brooks have a damn cheek to whine about street violence up here and then expect people to buy tickets for her show in a northern venue.

If she doesn't like it 'up North' then she should stay in the clotted cream land of Devon -- the place she now calls home, according to your article.

Preston doesn't need people like Elkie Brooks putting their two-pennith in and telling the world that there is too much violence on the streets up here.

It really annoys me that people like her, who have left the area, now spend their time insulting us. She has probably watched the recent television coverage on the riots in Oldham and tarred all people north of Watford with the same brush.

To think I actually used to rate Elkie as a singer. I once owned her entire record collection including Pearl's a Singer. If I had them now I'd smash the lot and, as for her forthcoming concert, she's lost a ticket sale here.

I think the best thing Elkie can do is to 'settle overseas' as quick as possible incase the violent lot 'up North' hunt her down in the luxury of her haven on the south coast.

Name and address supplied. Elkie Brooks