AS a parent of two pupils at Peel Brow School in Ramsbottom I was extremely upset to hear about the allegations made against Mr Duce and his subsequent suspension.

Although the governors have assured parents of their intention to ensure that the school remains settled and calm there is an unpleasant atmosphere. There has also been much speculation amongst the parents with the vast majority feeling that the allegations were made out of spite and with the intention of causing as much upset as possible to Mr Duce.

As acknowledged in the recent school inspection, Mr Duce is a good manager and provides very good leadership. This is a view I support, as do many other parents.

Mr Duce is highly respected and strongly supported. For his sake, and that of the school, its children, staff and parents, I hope that the impending investigation is dealt with quickly in order to allow Mr Duce to return to his duties.

In the meantime I would like to offer Mr Duce and his family my support and warmest wishes.


Chiltern Road,
