FIREFIGHTERS in East Lancashire have joined with others across England in walking out for 24 hours today over the 'unworkable pension scheme' proposed by the government.

Matt Wrack, Fire Brigades Union general secretary, said: “Government ministers have ignored three written requests in the last few weeks by the union to meet to try to resolve this dispute.


“Government ministers are quick to call this union ‘militant’ and yet it’s them who still refuse to talk to us when we remain ready to meet and negotiate at any time.

“Firefighters from all across the UK are attending a rally in Westminster on Wednesday in a ‘No More Lies’ protest aiming to hold this government accountable for the way it has misled Parliament, the public and firefighters alike.

Lancashire Telegraph:

"All governments in the UK seem to want to resolve the firefighters’ pension dispute through discussion with the FBU, with the exception of the Westminster government who are imposing an unworkable pension scheme and unfairly penalising firefighters in England.

"It's a scheme that all other devolved governments have recognised as problematic and made improvements on."